Российско-Иорданский Деловой Совет

Jordan has launched a project to combat the effects of climate change in the cost of US $ 13 million

Julia Klusova, Arafnews Materials The Jordan Times / Wednesday Imad Fakhouri, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan, announced the launch of a project worth JOD9,2 million to improve the fitness of the poor and the “vulnerable” communities to climate change.

The need for this project due to the growing scarcity of clean water, which climate change will only exacerbate. Fakhouri said that the lack of water directly affects food security, as the 2/3 available in the kingdom of water used in agriculture.

Funded by the Adaptation Fund the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change project will provide farmers with additional volumes of water through the effective use of treated wastewater for irrigation and by storing rainwater in a wadi, baffled sand dams, the ministry said in a statement.

The minister explained that the re-use of treated wastewater and rainwater harvesting will preserve scarce groundwater, adding that the project will take a holistic approach to integrated management of water resources in the remote and arid areas. wastewater treatment plant will be improved in Irbid, Shalala, Dogaru, Tal al-Manta, North Shun and Wadi Musa.

In addition, the project will increase the income of more than 600 households in the target areas of the Jordan Valley and Wadi Musa, thanks to the introduction of new technologies that will reduce the costs of inputs for farmers and improve soil fertility.

The inhabitants of drylands will be provided with a unique, effective and easy-systems adapt to climate change, such as equipment for drip irrigation, micro-irrigation and spraying. The benefits of integrated agricultural technology will derive about 48 farms. More than 50 co-operatives will be trained in the safe use of treated wastewater.

The project will be revised policy of adaptation to climate change, increasing the level of awareness of farmers and improve their ability to cope with the impact of this phenomenon.

The project will install a drought early warning system and the database is composed of farmers and civil society institutions. The information campaign will be aimed at impoverished farming communities, to share with them knowledge.

The project complies with the economic plans of Jordan until 2025, the Water Sector Strategy and the National Strategy for Agricultural Development and the International Development Program and the results of the climate conference in Paris, said the minister.

Fakhouri said that the successful results of the project will be applied in other regions. The program should attract more donor funds, since climate change is one of the first items on the global agenda.

“We hope that all partners and executive sides attach great importance to this project, proportional to its main objectives in the field of development”, – he said.


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