Российско-Иорданский Деловой Совет

Kitchen Jordan

Nothing can compare with Arabic cuisine! Food – it’s almost a cult in the East. Tasty, spicy, fresh – these are the three distinguishing features of Arabic cuisine. The climate and the nomadic way of life reflected in this kitchen as follows: products are used only fresh (the animals were killed before eating, vegetables, fruits, too long is not stored, the exception – dried fruits), disinfection is used a lot of herbs and spices – that’s all turns spicy and fresh, so – delicious! But familiarity with the Arabic cuisine is best to start with the Jordanian option because of his loyalty to the Slavic stomach.


Russian-Arabic Business Council

Всех заинтересованных в установлении и развитии сотрудничества с деловыми кругами стран Арабского Востока приглашаем обратиться в Российско-Арабский Деловой Совет по адресу:
109012 г. Москва, ул.Ильинка, 5/2
тел./факс + 7 (495) 929-02-55
тел. + 7 (495) 929-03-13/15/16
эл.почта: rads@tpprf.ru
сайт: www.rusarabbc.ru

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