Российско-Иорданский Деловой Совет

RJBC Deputy Chairman, Director Mr. Kononenko Has Formal Meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Khalid Abdullah Shawabkah

20-07-2022 фото 1 после заголовка англ

On 20th July 2022 at the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Moscow, Deputy Chairman, Director of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council (RJBC) Mr. Valeriy A. Kononenko had a formal meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Khalid Abdullah Shawabkah.

To start with, H.E. Mr. Shawabkah noted a high level of relations between two countries in various areas of cooperation. After having studied thoroughly the provided data about the RJBC’s activities, H.E. Mr. Shawabkah stressed the need on further strengthening of ties between Russia and Jordan focused on deepening of collaboration between businessmen from both countries in order to increase the bilateral trade and promote business, innovation and investment cooperation.

After that Mr. Kononenko and H.E. Mr. Shawabkah discussed such first-priority cooperation areas between Russia and Jordan as the agriculture sector, industrial sector, tourism, investments, information technologies, trade, public health services and financial sector.

In the course of the meeting, special attention was paid to the necessity to go on arranging events contributing to further development of the already well-established contacts in different cooperation areas, including business community’s exchanges, participation of Russian and Jordanian companies in international and specialized exhibitions, forums and conferences in both countries.

To sum up, the participants of the meeting specified the ways to intensify further collaboration between the RJBC and the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Russian Federation in coordination of Russian-Jordanian joint projects implemented both in a Russia’s and Jordan’s territories.

20-07-2022 фото 2 в конце статьи англ

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