Российско-Иорданский Деловой Совет

Official Ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the temple for Russian pilgrims on the saint River Jordan

Official meeting of Mr. Kononenko Valeriy A., Deputy Chairman of Russian Part of Russian-Jordanian Business Council, Chairman of the Committee of Culture, Tourism, Religion and Cooperation with Public Organizations, Mrs. Nancy Bakiir, Jordan Minister of Culture, and Mr. Hatem Halawani, Chairman of Jordan chamber of Industry with Mr. Kalugin Alexander M., Ambassador of Russia in Jordan

Visit to Jordan of Nikas Safronov, a well-known artist, an academician of Russian and French Art Academy, Chairman of International Coordination Council of World Charity Alliance “Peacemaker” and Yuriy Safronov, Secretary General of World Charity Alliance “Peacemaker”

VII Annual Russian Industrial Exhibition “Expo-Russia 2008” in Amman, Jordan

VII Annual Russian Industrial Exhibition “Expo-Russia 2008” in Amman, Jordan and Russian-Jordanian Economical Forum “Russia-Jordan-Iraq: State and Perspectives for Cooperation”

II Joint Meeting of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council in Amman

Protocol of II Joint Meeting of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council

Russian-Arabic Business Council

Всех заинтересованных в установлении и развитии сотрудничества с деловыми кругами стран Арабского Востока приглашаем обратиться в Российско-Арабский Деловой Совет по адресу:
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